Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chris Archer

What i noticed about Chris Archer is he isnt like most famous people, he is probably one of the most sincere people i have met. One got me so into what he was saying is the fact that he was raised by his grandparents, i see alot of myself in what he was saying , What he said made me realize that im glad i stopped smoking and drinking and that its okay to stand out. Im glad i met him to be honest he was very inspirtational to me.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Whos Cares?

   I don't think it should really matter about a athlete's sexuality what makes it different with the thousands of other human popluation  that are gay/bisexual or lesbian , I feel has if its because players are also playing with other males or females so it becomes a problem to other team mates , only because people are raised differently and taught different .

  Everyone should be treated as one ,were all breathing the same air and living almost the same lives. Just because their gay doesn't mean they will try and attract you to them or try anything , most gays know not to cross a line knowing someone is straight, I believe that everyone has equal rights even if sometimes they don't deserve them, Gay football players can play just as well as straight ones. In my opinion it shouldn't matter . 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

why did you pick baseball out of all the sports you've played?

what do you enjoy most about the game?

what was the most memorable moment in baseball ?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Super Bowl Commericals

  What interested me about the super bowl commercial is that the concept behind it had a lot of thought , but on the other hand is was very confusing to me. Why put coca cola bottle caps at the bottom of a pool? That's something that questions me .
  The commercial is controversial to other languages and other ethnic back rounds , the song in the backround converses over to other cultures
  I think they could have made the commercial clearer to has why they put bottle caps in the pool and what they were meaning by that. It could be portrayed has many things . I like the concept they used tho , it makes it kinda a story to many viewers all around the world. I'd have to admit this is probably one of the best concepts for a superbowl commerical .